

Do you mind if I invite myself over? I would love to come to your school, childcare, or child-friendly organization. I can also contribute to parent night activities or participate in an upcoming community event.


Extraordinary You & Your One-of-a-Kind View (3rd grade and up)

Learn how tapping into your one-of-a-kind perspective can bring your stories to life. Discover storytelling techniques that will help readers see the world through your eyes. Transform your everyday experiences into images that make readers feel, relate, and pay attention. Come ready to write! You will have the opportunity to share your work with the group. 


Everyday Heroes Series-Dolores Huerta! (K-3rd grade)

Dolores Huerta may not be a superhero, but she used her powers to change the world. When she discovered that the people in her community needed help, she used her helper-powers to make sure they had safe, fair places to work. We all have the power to help others. We will use Dolores Huerta’s story to explore your child’s ability to change the world! Join me for a reading, discussion, and Q & A. Can you be an everyday hero? Let’s find out!

Everyday Heroes Series-Beyoncé! (pre-K-3rd grade)

Beyoncé is a famous performer, business woman, and artist, but she wasn’t always a star. Learn how Beyoncé found her voice, through trials and triumphs, and understand that you, too, can shine your light like Beyoncé. We will use Beyoncé’s story to explore your children’s ability to dream big, get help, and shine bright! Join me for a reading, discussion, and Q & A.

Everyday Heroes Series-Stacey Abrams! (K-3rd grade)

Stacey Abrams worked to make sure every eligible voter is able to sign up, vote, and get their vote counted. She wants to make sure the people in her community can speak up so that leaders would listen. We will explore this super helper's story and think about how we can use our talents and gifts to help others. When we look out for each other, we can become more powerful than we ever imagined. Let's find out how we can be problem solvers, leaders, trailblazers, and patriots who will step up and make a difference.

Your Worst Fears (4th grade and up)

Fear can block us from doing what we want to do. We have stories to tell, but we stay quiet. We fear rejection. We fear failure. We fear public humiliation. Guess what! Lots of my worst fears came true. Yours might too! Learn how to trust, celebrate, and use your voice anyway. Come ready to write. You will have the opportunity to share your work with the group.

Everything a Drum! (Toddlers-Kindergarten-Family Events)

Let’s make some noise! We will play with beats, sounds, and words. Enjoy a story time featuring Sarah’s book Everything a Drum that includes music, movement, and puppetry!


Schedule and Location
I will work with you to craft a visit that serves the interests of your readers.  If you would like to plan visits for multiple groups in one day please give me 15 minutes between each visit.  My programs are 30-50 minutes long.

Book Sale & Signing

If you order books before my visit I can sign them for your families. Let me know what you need. We can get a significant discount if we work directly with my publishers.

Feel free to modify this Sample Order Form. Parents can use it to order books from your school.

Community Engagement
I love a crowd!  Parents, journalists, volunteers and community members are welcome to attend my program. Please take this opportunity to promote our upcoming visit. Let’s start a community conversation about what we can do to help our children become heroes!